BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions serves customers in many industries including automotive, aerospace, air quality, semiconductors and hydrogen economy, and provides full loop services with its precious metals trading and recycling offering. With a focus on circular solutions and sustainability, ECMS is committed to helping our customers create a cleaner, more sustainable world. BASF’s ECMS division is the world’s leading supplier of environmental and process catalysts. The group offers exceptional expertise in the development of technologies that protect the air we breathe, produce the fuels that power our world and ensure efficient production of a wide variety of chemicals, plastics and other products, including advanced battery materials. We believe mobility’s future lies in more than just products. So where others come to a full stop, we’re just getting started—by leveraging the full power of BASF to continually advance our comprehensive package of sustainable solutions that enable us to travel further, as well as above and beyond. Protecting the air we breathe from harmful emissions through innovation. BASF leverages unsurpassed expertise in the development of emission control technologies for a wide range of market applications. BASF is committed to advancing and promoting environmentally-sound technologies to achieve a sustainable future in aviation. Offering 50 years of experience developing intelligent solutions for air quality over a wide range of applications — enabling clean air for a healthier, more sustainable future. With more than 150 years of experience in metal sourcing, trading, and hedging, we’ve built tangible results for our industrial customers. With more than 100 years of experience in recycling materials, BASF’s end-to-end recycling program is known and trusted around the globe. As a leader in precious-metal thermocouples for many years, BASF recently applied its technological expertise to optical-based temperature measurement. Developing and producing pharmaceutical ingredients for more than 75 years, enabling us to provide the solutions you need to meet today's and tomorrow's challenges for your pharmaceutical business. Find the latest news and media information for BASF’s ECMS division, headquartered in Iselin, New Jersey, USA, the world’s leading supplier of environmental and process catalysts. Explore this collection of resources to learn more about our innovative research and Catalyst solutions.

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Specialized Catalysts

As the global leader in mobile emissions catalysts, BASF has developed a number of specialized catalyst technologies to eliminate ozone from reaching the air that we breathe.

What exactly is Ozone? Ozone is a molecule that consists of three oxygen atoms. Naturally-occurring ozone is formed miles above the earth in the stratosphere. This ozone layer is responsible for absorbing the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Unfortunately, the ozone at ground level is the major component of smog. This artificially created ozone is the cause of many adverse effects, such as irritation of and damage to lungs, eyes, noses and throats. Man-made ozone is produced by the oxidation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the presence of direct sunlight. The main sources of NOx and VOC gases are mobile emissions, industrial factories, electrical plants, chemical solvents, and gasoline vapors.

PremAir® Catalysts

PremAir® is approved by the Air Resources Board of California and U.S. EPA for Direct Ozone Reduction (DOR) emission credits that can:

Optimize engine performance at a bin classification

Reduce precious metal costs

Raise emission catalyst system engineering safety factor

Increase profitability of fleet vehicle mix with emission credits

PremAir® Direct Ozone Reduction (DOR)

PremAir® is a patented catalyst coating that transforms ground level ozone, the main component of smog, into oxygen. As air flows over a vehicle’s coated radiator, PremAir®catalyzes the reaction that converts ozone into oxygen. This process capitalizes on the large volume of air that passes through a vehicle’s radiator.

PremAir® NXT Next Generation DOR

With PremAir® NXT, even smaller radiators for today’s downsized 4 cylinder engines can convert as much ozone to oxygen as larger radiators with standard PremAir®. This allows Automotive OEMs to earn the full emission credit for California LEV III and U.S. Tier 3 emission regulations.

PremAir® NXT delivers value through emission reduction credits

BASF Catalysts | Premair NXT

PremAir® NXT is a DOR technology which has been validated for 150,000 miles or 15 years. Tier 3 and LEV III have approved an emission reduction credit of 5 mg/mile for DOR technology. OEMs can leverage this tool in a number of ways to deliver value to manage their fleet average emissions requirements.

Optimize engine performance

PremAir® NXT credits are a cost-effective alternative solution to PGM (Platinum Group Metals) content in catalytic converters and can be used to maximize engine performance at a bin classification.

Managing fleet vehicle mix

LEV III and Tier 3 require OEMs to change their fleet percentage sales to meet the emission standards, so OEMs have to sell more SULEV vehicles while selling less ULEV 125 vehicles. High performance sedans and coupes as well as trucks and SUVs are often more profitable but meet higher emission bins. Utilizing PremAir® NXT credits can enable OEMs to mitigate the impact of new regulations on their vehicle mix.

Engineering Safety Factor for SULEV

Performance at low NMOG and NOx levels is difficult to measure for both fresh and aged catalyst performance; borderline TWC aging performance can introduce risk to an OEM. PremAir® NXT credits can be leveraged to increase the safety factor at a vehicle bin classification.

Reduce cost

As regulations demand more out of catalytic converters, additional PGM content can have decreasing emission control efficiency. PremAir® NXT credits can help optimize PGM performance to reduce total emission control costs.

EvapTrap XC

Hydrocarbon trap for fuel canisters


EvapTrap XC is a coated polyurethane foam fine hydrocarbon trap for fuel canisters. This patented technology provides a superior approach to hydrocarbon trapping. It helps OEMs meet stringent “zero evap” standards with minimal impact on vehicle design and performance.

Global regulations are moving to a zero evaporative emission standard. OEMs are applying secondary traps to meet the regulations and need an alternative solution. BASF is committed to delivering innovative solutions to meet changing emissions regulations. EvapTrap XC can help meet these regulations and offers significant value to automakers.

Natual Gas Catalysts

Although gasoline and diesel fuels dominate the landscape today, there is growing interest in alternative fuels, especially natural gas to power vehicles. While alternative fuels often burn cleaner than gasoline or diesel fuel, they nonetheless produce emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and hydrocarbons (HC).

Proven Solutions

For over a decade, BASF has offered the leading catalyst technology for natural gas vehicles (NGVs). We have solutions to meet strict emission regulations including Euro IV-VI, US2010 and Global Tier 4, and cover a broad range of natural gas engines.

BASF Catalysts | Catalysts production emissions control catalysts site Nienburg Germany

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