Welcome to the Catalysts Literature Database
All Data Sheets (360)
0.1% Pd/AS R4671
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0.15% Pd 0.15% Pt/AS R45084

0.3% Pd/AS R4578

0.3% Pt /AT Selectoxo R4754

0.3% Pt/AS R4758

0.3% Pt/AT R4755

0.4% Pt 0.1% Rh/AT R4924

0.5% Pd / AS Escat 126

0.5% Pd/Al 5637 E 1/12"
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0.5% Pd/AS R 45043
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0.5% Pd/AS R4577

0.5% Pd/AT R4586/DeOxo D

0.5% Pt/AS R4753

0.5% Pt/AT R4751

0.5% Ru/AT R 4871

0.75% Pd/AS R 5079
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0.8% Pd AS R 41484
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0.9% Pd ACS R 1% Na Doped
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13 XBF Molecular Sieve

13X Molecular Sieve

2024 ECMS MRO Flyer 8 5x11 Digi
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2024 ECMS MRO Flyer v2 8 5x11 Digi
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2024 ECMS Up Core Flyer 8 5x11 Digi
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2024 ECMS Up Core Flyer v2 8 5x11 DIGI
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2024 ECMS VOCZ Flyer 8 5x11 Digi
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2024 ECMS VOCZ Flyer v2 8 5x11 DIGI
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3A Molecular Sieve

4A Molecular Sieve

4A-BF Molecular Sieve

5ABF (binder-free) Molecular Sieve

Actimet 8040P

Active Bed Support

Al 0104 T 1/8“
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Al 3438 T 1/8”
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Al 3992 E 1/8''
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Al 3992 E 1/8'' 3F
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Al 3996 E
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Al 3997 E
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Al 4126 E 1/8”
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Al 4504 T 1/8''
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Altrium Performance Profile

Application Olefin Purification

BASF 9205 Ti 1100e Datasheet Rev 10 2023

BASF 9229 DD 431 Datasheet Rev 10 2023

BF 8987 E315 PDS Rev2020 12

BMRL Goods Sale Conditions 20220601

Boeing 777 Ozone Converter

BoroCat Performance Profile

Boroflex Performance Profile

Borotec Performance Profile

Camet CO Oxidation Catalysts

Catalytic Converters

CCB product one pager 2019 CN

CCB product one pager 2019 DE

CCB product one pager 2019 EN

CL750 N Datasheet

Converter Performance Profile I

Converter Performance Profile II

Converter Performance Profile III

Copper Catalyst: Cu 0317 T
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Copper Catalyst: Cu 1202 E 3/16"
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CP Alumina Powders

CPN Activated Alumina

Cu 0202 P
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Cu 0203 T 1/8“
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Cu 0313 P
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Cu 0340 T
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0360 T 1/8“
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0540 T 1/8''
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0540 T 1/8" LD RS
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0540 T 1/8” LD
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0540 T 1/8” RL
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0560 E 1/16” 3F
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0604 E
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0710 T
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0711 T
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0811 T
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0815 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0860 E 1/16" 3F
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 0865 T 3/16”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 1155 T RL
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 1800 P
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 1808 T 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 1885 P
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 1950 P
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 1955 P
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 6081 P
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Cu 6098 P
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Cu-0396 P (E-396 P)
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D 1275 E 1/16” 3F

D-1280 E 1/16” 3F

DD-6, DD-PG and DD-PGS

Deoxo™ Catalytic Ozone Converter

Diesel Emissions Catalysts

Diesel Oxidation Catalysts

Diesel Particulate Filters

DOC/LNT and SCR on Filter

DPT 101
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BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Duranit 1/8”

Durasorb AR Datasheet

Durasorb HC Datasheet

Durasorb HD

Durasorb HR3

Durasorb HR4

Durasorb HR5

Durasorb HRL5

Durasorb Reference List 2021 06

E 108 P
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E 144 SDU 1/16”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 144 SDU 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 151 SDU 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 152 SDU 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 153 SD 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 153 SDU 1/16”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 153 SDU 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 154 SDU 1/16”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 154 SDU 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 157 SDU 1/16”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 157 SDU 1/8”
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 315 S 1/8"

E 403 T 1/8”
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E 406 T 1/8"
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
E 415 T Datasheet
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E 474 T 1/8” RL
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E-473 P RS

EnviroSOx Performance Profile

EnviroSOx White Paper

Epitaxial Thermocouples

EvapTrap™ XC

Exactus® Calcination

Exactus® Gob

Fibro® Platinum Thermocouple Wire

Flex-Tec Performance Profile

FlexiCat Gold®-2 S3
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FlexiCat Gold®-2 SS6
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Formaldpure F

Formaldpure F (Chinese)

Fortress NXT

Fourte Performance Profile

Fourtune Performance Profile

H0-28 K3-5
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BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
H0-40 K2-4

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BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
H0-44 PDB K2-4
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
H0-45 PDB K2-4
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
H0-46 PDB K2-4
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
H0-47 PDB K2-4
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BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
H9-66 T3x3
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HDXtra Performance Profile

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High Performance PA Catalysts: O4-29HiFlexII
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High Performance PA Catalysts: O4-35
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
High Performance PA Catalysts: O4-66
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
High Performance PA Catalysts: O4-68
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
High Performance PA Catalysts: O4-88
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
High Performance PA Catalysts: O4-888
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KC-Trockenperlen® Orange CHAMELEON®
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Lean NOx Trap

Lppm basf corporation assurance report
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BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Luminate Performance Profile

Maximum Propylene Solution (MPS)

Mobile Emissions Control Catalysts

Model Based Control Solutions

Molecular Sieve 4 AG11

Motorcycle Catalysts


N 7066
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NanoSelect LF 100

NanoSelect LF 200

NanoSelect PT 110

NanoSelect PT 210

NanoSelect Pt-100

NanoSelect Pt-200

Naphtha Max III Technical Note

NaphthaMax III

NaphthaMax III Performance Profile

Ni 3276 E 1/16” RS
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Ni 3288 E 3F RS
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
Ni 3298 E 1/16” 3F RS
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Ni 3300 E 1/16 3F RS
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Ni 3354 E RS
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Ni 3364 E 1/18” 3F RS
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Ni 5256 E RS
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Ni 5300 E 3/64” R
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O0-18 K4-6
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O3 115
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
O3 18
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O4-110 S6 / SS11x4 / SR10x5 / Quattro
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O4-111 S6 / SS11x4 / SR10x5 / Quattro
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O4-115 SS11x4 / SR10x5 / Quattro
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O4-116 SS11x4
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PAL HP-150

PAL M-300 HD

Pd 0920
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Pd 0930
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Pd 1930
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Perlkat 46-10

Perlkat 97-0 Silica Gel

PremAir® BLD

PremAir® BLD (Chinese)

PremAir® Catalysts

Product Olefin Purification

Profile & Spike Thermocouples

Prosorb E 1/16” 3F

Prosorb P E 1/16” 3F

Prox-SMZ Platform Technical Note

PuriCycle H
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PuriCycle HL1
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PuriCycle HL5
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PuriCycle HPF1
BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
PuriCycle HPF5
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PuriCycle HPJ1
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PuriCycle HPJ3
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PuriCycle L
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PuriCycle LN
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PuriCycle SHF1
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PuriCycle Si
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PuriCycle Si L1
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PuriCycle Si L5
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PuriStar R0-20 K2-4

PuriStar R0-25

PuriStar R0-25

PuriStar R3-11 T5x3

PuriStar R3-11G

PuriStar R3-12 T5x3

PuriStar R3-15 T5x3

PuriStar R3-15S

PuriStar R3-16 T5x3

PuriStar R3-17 T3x3

PuriStar R3-26

PuriStar R3-81 T5x3

PuriStar R8-21 S3

PuriStar® R9-12
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PuriStar® R9-PAR S3
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PuriStar® R9-SR S3
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Q1 Performance Script 1
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BASF employees will automatically receive this document when requested
SCR on Filter

Selective Catalytic Reduction

Selexsorb AS

Selexsorb AS5

Selexsorb CDL

Selexsorb CDO

Selexsorb CDX

Selexsorb COS

Selexsorb COSi

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Selexsorb SI

Selexsorb ST

Selexsorb® CD

Selexsorb® CP4
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Small Engine Catalysts

Sorbead 22

Sorbead Air R

Sorbead Air WS

Sorbead WS

Sorbead® Orange Chameleon®
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Sorbead® WS+
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Stamina Performance Profile

Stamina Technical Note

StyroStar® S6-05 S3-6
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StyroStar® S6-42
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StyroStar® S6-42 SELECT
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StyroStar® S6-62
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StyroStar® S6-62 ACTIVE
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Sulfuric Acid 04-111

SYNSPIRE - G1-110 Tablets 15mm 4F
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SYNSPIRE - G1-110 Tablets 15mm 4F
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SYNSPIRE - G1-110 Tablets 15mm 4F
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SYNSPIRE - G1-110 Tablets 15mm 4F (French)
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Three-Way Catalysts

Valor® Performance Profile

VOCat 200 Series

VOCat 300H

VOCat 300S

VOCat 310 ST

VOCat 450M

X 414 P
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ZIP Olefins Additive

ZIP Olefins Additive Performance Profile

Zn 0312 T 1/8” HT
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